At Omaha HAVEN we strive to assist families in transitioning between public and home-school settings and provide opportunities for Latter-Day Saint home-school families and their friends to connect in meaningful ways. Everyone is welcome to utilize this resource and participate in activities as we each seek to fulfill our divine charge--to build families that are respectful, educated, compassionate, faith-filled contributors to a civil society.

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Friday, July 1, 2022

"The Invincible Family"

"The Invincible Family"...I love the sound of this statement! I also love the hope and strength it brings to my heart knowing that there are so many out there acting to strengthen our foundational units of society, our families. That being said, let me introduce you...

"The Invincible Family - Why the Global Campaign To Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can't Win" is the title of a book written by Kimberly Ells, a mother of five and graduate of BYU. She has carefully researched and personally witnessed the actions of those who seek to diminish the power of motherhood and fatherhood and dismantle the iron-clad strength of families bound together through marriages based on love, loyalty, and liberty. Such families, when founded upon the teaching of Jesus Christ, stand the greatest chance of helping children overcome the shifting and uncertain tides of popular culture that they might be prepared to build their own loving relationships, healthy marriages and invincible families. 

Why would anyone want to destroy such strength? We want our families to be INVINCIBLE!

If you would like to learn a little more about Kimberly's experiences and her book, "The Invincible Family", please click HERE for her website.

Click HERE to watch Kimberly's interview with Tucker Carlson.
