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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Voting: Our Work to Protect the Constitution

Elections are here! Amid all the political rancor that is filling every media broadcast, it is good to remember why it is we vote. Whatever our political persuasions, as we voice our opinions at the ballot box we proclaim our faith, hope and love for the Constitution of the United States of America.

On a beautiful morning September 19th, forty plus people gathered at Elmwood Park at the invitation of Haven Board members to celebrate the Constitution. The program commenced with the presentation of the Colors by the combined Omaha Police and Fire Department Honor Guard. Dr. Daniel Thrower of the USAF Heartland of America Band then played Taps in honor of those who have died protecting the freedoms of every citizen of this great land. The twenty four notes of Taps left us in awe, and reminded us to reverence life.  

The audience participated in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the Star Spangled Banner, and repeating the Preamble to the Constitution. The refrains “One nation under God”, “Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation”,  and “secure the blessing of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity” further reminded us that all blessings of liberty flow from a Supreme Being.  It is our privilege to step outside ourselves and act responsibly for future generations.

Ame Burton shared the details of the Oath of Office taken by military personnel for every rank to solemnly protect the Constitution.  This oath exacts the first responsibility to the Constitution even before obedience to superior officers.  

We were reminded of the magnitude of that responsibility as we welcomed our keynote speaker Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hannah (ret) accompanied by His wife Colonel Michelle Hannah. Col Bob Hannah, serving in the army,  has been stationed all around the US and deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan.  In those fields of service he witnessed military men give their lives in protecting all for which the Constitution stands. As he described each fallen soldier and the respect he gained for them as he worked to communicate with their families, plan funerals, detail viewings, and execute memorials with the community that had sent the soldiers to war, he came to appreciate each life, each individual. He came to see that we each have our own paradigms and viewpoints. It is the Constitution which protects our individual expression and identity. Taps echoed in our hearts as we reverenced those soldiers.  

We sorrow over the deaths that have occurred in 2020 on the streets of our cities.  We lament that a more perfect Union, Justice, and Domestic Tranquility have been lost.  Names of Citizens of Omaha have been added to the national rolls of those killed. We cry for all our brothers and sisters so sacrificed.  

Katie Burton captured  the desires of our hearts by singing  America The Beautiful   


God mend thine every flaw,

 Confirm thy soul in self-control, 

Thy liberty in law! 

America, America

God shed His grace on thee, 

And crown thy good with brotherhood….

The ceremony concluded with Sue Venteisure offering the following prayer.  

“Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for our country the United States of America.  We thank you for the sacrifices, made by those who have gone before us to preserve for us this land of the free and home of the brave.  May your blessing continue to be poured out upon us, that our common life may be marked by honesty, responsible work, and compassion for those less fortunate.  Save us from violence, discord, and every evil way.  Help us to defend our liberties.  Give courage and bravery to the men and women who serve in the armed forces of our country and those first responders that protect us here at home.  Protect them and keep them safe. Give them strength and a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be.  Give wisdom and guidance to the President of the United States and all who bear the responsibility of government, that we may have peace and justice at home and peace among the nations of the world.  In the time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the  hour of trouble help us to hold fast to a strong faith.  All this we ask in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

For all who have gone before and all who are yet to come, let us vote this Election Day and do our part to  protect the freedoms detailed in the Constitution for the sake of Brotherhood which we hold dear.

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